Video Mapping at the Skylight Modern, NYC

Video mapping installation for Epson's "Epson Experience" product launch event at the Skylight Modern in NYC. It features real-time color mixing using an iPad to control video "ink spray" in Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black.

Thanks to the Ark Endeavors and Power Posse Productions crews for their help in making the installation come together under a hectic schedule, Vivid Vision for supplying their awesome media server rig, and Adela Kriland from Omagica for the fantastic 3D tweaks in Watchout to get the ink bottle geometry just right!

VR Car Wash Video Installation at Tanforan Shell

VR Car Wash Video Installation at the Tanforan Shell car wash. Worked with on the space prep and the 3D Matterport scan, looking forward to working with them in the future!

This was one of the more unusual installations we've done since there wasn't a site-tech to give us a heads-up about the quirks of the location (I'm looking at you, quadruple-metal-lined dividing walls).

We used a combination of laser rangefinding and 3D scans to get a sense of where the projection throws would fall during the wash cycle, which helped with the installation immensely.

Special thanks to Dan and Jessie for their help with rigging and getting the media server to talk to the car wash mechanism, and even more crucially, coming up with 300 feet of shielded CAT-6 cabling last minute when Amazon lost our entire order the week of the installation!
VR Carwash Interior view

VR Carwash Interior view
VR Carwash first customer-- S.F's Finest
VR Carwash Blending
VR Carwashvideo overlays

Immersive Video Wall at the Ritz Carlton, Miami

Immersive video wrap for the Epson 2015 kick-off at the Long Beach Convention Center, with Refik Anadol on content creation and Greg Leeper (Opticus) making sure everything is buttoned up and shipshape! I used the Watchout multi display system provided by Futurelighting to handle the projector output (12 projectors in total).

FFGL LipSynch Text

The FFGL Lip Synch Text plugin allows you to render a real-time face, mouth, or portrait that “speaks” your text as you type it! Put words in the mouth of everyone’s favorite orange television personality!

Use the special character “*” to do placeholder “pauses” while pulling a weird looking face!

The default is the current POTUS but more models will be coming soon.

1-loop bundle:
FREE download with coupon code BlackLivesMatter



Compatible with Resolume 6 and 7!
IMPORTANT! This plugin is designed to extend the functionality of Resolume and is NOT just a static video clip. Be informed! DO YOURSELF A FAVOR and read the FAQ or QUICKSTART guide, especially if migrating from Resolume 6 to Resolume 7.

System requirements (PC running at least Windows 7 64 bit, ATI Radeon HD 5000 series or better, NVIDIA GeForce 210 or better, 256MB of VRAM, 2GB RAM)
As always, TEST TEST TEST before a mission critical gig.

Corporate Signage: SOS Ventures

We were asked to do some corporate lobby art signage for SOS Ventures, a venture capital group specializing in biohacking and health startups.


Reclaimed wood is weirdly pricey at salvage/reclamation yards, and getting it to look like a uniform texture with differently sized wood scrap took some planning– you don’t want anything to catch the eye, or interfere with the baseline of the signage text itself.


We also installed the wood pieces according to size– largest pieces on the bottom, tapering up to smaller pieces at the top, to keep the wall from feeling “top-heavy”.